The Brian Jordan Foundation Scholarship Program was established to help remove the economic barriers to higher education and reduce the financial burden for students, allowing graduating seniors to enter the college or university of their choice. After reviewing numerous applications this year, the Foundation is pleased to have selected a diverse group of students who possess a strong mix of leadership skills, interests, academic success and extracurricular activities. Including the Class of 2018, the Foundation has awarded a total of 92 college scholarships totaling more than $460,000 since the program’s inception.
Brian Jordan Foundation celebrated the college graduation of 4 BJF Scholars this year, and with the addition of the 15 new scholarship recipients listed below, there will be 65 current Brian Jordan Scholars continuing their university education in the 2018-2019 school year. Below are a list of our 2018 Scholarship Recipients, their high school, and their new intended college.
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July 2019
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